Monday, March 9, 2009

Obama - The Great Equalizer?

Is this how obama will be remembered? Will he drain the earnings and home prices of value, making those who work and are productive poor while enhancing the status of those who do NOT work and are NOT productive?

Is this fair? Equitable? Social "justice"? Justice? How can stealing from one person and giving to another be JUST?

Maybe obama thinks he's Robin Hood, or in reality, a Robbing Hood. Or a Robber from the 'Hood is more like it.

Is this equality? I believe that the equality proposed by our Founding Fathers was equality in our using the skills and talents we each have to go where we want to go. This is merit-based equality. This means that the best qualified person gets the job, the contract, the promotion, the ability to move forward in occupation and life.

Oh but what about "affirmative action"? Well, even Martin Luther King Jr would have been against affirmative action, since he wanted to see his children accepted for their abilities rather than the color of their skin. For that we laud him.

Obama is NOT an equalizer; he's not even a good man; he will NOT bring this country together. Rather Obama is hell bent on causing division and discord and distraction and destruction. Obama wants power. And Obama is a corrupt politician. This man holds the worst kind of power. The power to destroy. The morons who voted for this villain were the selfish, greedy, nasty, reparation-seeking idiots brought forward by obama's ACORN group to serve one purpose - to get stuff for free. Our stuff. Taking our stuff and redistributing it to these morons does not bring equality.

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