Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Big-Budget Hollywood Movies get YOUR Tax Dollars

Ain't life grand!

The Hollywood producers who've had the freedom of America all these years to churn out crappy politically-correct movies, one after another; Who've used movies & television to help shape the sheeple of America into lemmings; readying citizens for the takeover.

The stars who have made their fortunes via every movie ticket you buy, Action figure or other movie-related toy, every movie-related Happy Meal or whatever the product, these stars have had the FREEDOM to make MILLIONS and they are oh, so ungrateful.

They, having made their fame and money, and purchased homes and other lavish toys, talk down to us, flick a finger at us, and sneer. "YOU must be more green! YOU must not drive so much, watch that carbon footprint of yours" of course while jetting around the world for concerts, to save a few babies or having their time with whatever is "benevolent" issue of the week.
OH, but they're getting a $246 million tax credit for investors in big-budget Hollywood movies. OH I am just SO HAPPY that MY TAX Dollars are going to help some poor poor Hollywood invester.

Leslie K. Paige has written a great article entitled:
How to Build a Bigger Boondoggle

Good reading.

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