Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Mother Knew - Nothing Naive about Comrade Obama

It's been awhile since I've blogged here. My mother died recently, of a heart attack which I am convinced was brought on by the actions of Obama and the liberal left. She was always very conservative and saw things 20 or more years before they happened. We grew up with her "conspiratory" ways but in actuality she was RIGHT about all of the things she said would happen.

No, hippies weren't really from another planet, but in some ways, they were. Things that are happening now were born in the late 50s and 60s, years I was alive... I remember her going on about this or that.... and yep, she was right.

How she detested the ideology of this OBAMA. We certainly heard her thoughts on what he was up to... She listened to Rush, to Hannity, and to many local New England talk show hosts.... Howie Carr, Jay Severin, Michael Graham.... All libertarian or conservative thinkers exposing the crap brought about not only in Washington DC, but in our own Boston Beacon Hill.

She knew there was nothing naive about this new president. Everything he and his ilk has done even before being elected was very calculated to steal away our freedoms and enslave us in one way or another. I think she died at the right time, before she could see her grand & great-grandchildrens' lives being destroyed as obama confiscates whatever they have, to give to some bastard who believes she or he is owed everything.

I really cannot say anymore at this time for my grief is not only for my mother, but for all of America, her Constitution, and her working citizens.

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