Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Too much going on!

How can I select one topic when so much is going on around us?

Activist judge nominated to the US Supreme Court - for life....

Barack Hussein Obama schmoozing with Muslims, apologizing to the world even as the USA continues to GIVE money and aid around the world.....

Media Elites with the power to destroy whoever disagrees with them....

Possible good news:
Many powerful liberals could face strong opposition opponents in the mid-term elections. Would that all liberal scum be voted out of office.

Every day feels like a rollercoaster ride through highs & lows of politics, finances, future scenarios, and general scariness. The one thing necessary to get through this mess and with real hope for positive change - that is, away from the leftist course the Obama Administration is charting - is that conservative grass-roots-minded American taxpayers lose their apathy and become involved.

That would be a most positive event.

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