Thursday, April 30, 2009

Obama's Arrogance and Sneaky ways...

How DARE Fascist Dictator Barack Hussein Obama, Arab-American so-called president of the USA, How DARE he wave his fingers and put down the hundreds of thousands of peaceful participants in the Tea Party Movement as a "distraction."

This Crisis-monger is the biggest threat to our society to ever have crawled out from under the mud.

Couple his dismissal of Tea Party tax-payers legally assembling to protest peacefully with this new Mexican Swine flu 'pandemic' - which now may prohibit assembling of groups so as not to spread the disease.

How perfect is that? Obama and his farther-than-left pals can use this as a way to deny Americans from assembling again to protest the Government. We have constitutional Rights to do this!!

More than 3,000 Americans die from the regular Flu each year. Fewer than 100 have the Mexican Flu in America (as I write) and it is treated as a PANDEMIC. That lying swine Janet Napolitano says it's too late to close the border at Mexico. Is she an IDIOT? This is un-American!! These elected and appointed officials are NOT doing all they can to help Americans. Other countries are closing their borders, putting infected people under quarantine, actually working to contain the spread. But the US Government? Heck no - why, that wouldn't be Politically correct!

Ah but wasn't it Rahm Emanuel who said "Never let a good crisis go to waste"? And what a great crisis this is! Now they won't close the border, Americans will have to pay to help illegals (what else is new) AND Americans could lose our constitutional right to Assemble based on fearmongering tactics by the Arab-American president Baraka Hussein Obama - who is by the way obviously doing the bidding of those who HATE AMERICA.

You morons out there who voted this disgusting piece of affirmative action filth into office should be thrown out of the country. Go live in Cuba or Iran or Venezuela, the places that will take care of you cradle-to-grave.

Get OUT of here. You've done enough damage.

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