Saturday, July 21, 2012

Q: How can you tell when Obama is lying?

A1: His mouth is moving. A2: He's breathing. Can you believe that, after having stupidly made statements about those "who made businesses didn't do it, somebody else did" (and I paraphrase his words), that when Romney takes him to task for the statement, Obama claims that Romney Lied! Obama claims that he, the PRESIDENT, never said that!! I cannot understand how this fraud gets away with this lying behavior. Even Clinton got caught (at least once) lying. If a conservative or Republican had lied about what he said - and we could all read and hear it over and over - that person would be skewered by the mindless drones who serve as "journalists". Today's "journalists" are actually opinion-spewers who feel emboldened to make policy with the power of their pen and the media. This is a damn shame. What will future generations think when they read the one-sided drivel which passes as 'news' today? Obama should SHUT his mouth and meet with that Jobs commission and stop campaigning. But, since that is really all he knows how to do (campaign, that is) I don't expect he will any time soon. My wish, hope, and prayer? That hardworking American taxpayers RISE UP and vote this Marxist freak out of the office. Hopefully, we will actually still have the freedom to vote; I wouldn't put it past Comrade Barry to declare Martial Law and suspend indefinitely any elections. When that happens, expect confiscation of firearms, bank and retirement accounts, and so on. Again, V.A.B.O, America, VABO!!! Vote Against Barack Obama!! God bless!

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