Friday, September 4, 2009

Will you fight to preserve your FREEDOMs or not??

Hello people!!

If you value your LIBERTY, FREEDOM, and life as you know it, being able to freely travel from state to state and enjoy this nation - I must ask - what have you done to keep those freedoms?

Have you written, called, or emailed your congressmen and senators to stop all of these big government takeovers?

Have you stepped out of your comfort zone and held a sign decrying the health care 'reform' SCAM? Have you even read the HR-3200 proposed bill?

NOTE: Did you know about Senate bill 773

which would allow Obama to pretty much shut down the internet if HE perceives a threat?

Doesn't the way obama is placing fellow radicals into unconstitutional positions called CZARS? Yeah, we didn't like it when Bush and others did it either. But this socialist Obama, he's gone wild! These CZARS (aka = kaiser, caesar). Here's what I found on

* Main Entry: czar
* Variant(s): also tsar or tzar \ˈzär, ˈ(t)sär\
* Function: noun
* Etymology: New Latin czar, from Russian tsar', from Old Russian tsĭsarĭ, from Gothic kaisar, from Greek or Latin; Greek, from Latin Caesar — more at caesar
* Date: 1555

1 : emperor; specifically : the ruler of Russia until the 1917 revolution
2 : one having great power or authority (a banking czar)

Are you going to DC for the rally on September 12th? Come on - stand up and be heard! Let's get rid of the un-American radicals and leftists in Congress - Pelosi, Reid, Barney Frank, John Kerry, Olympia Snowe, John Murtha, Charlie Rangle, and the list goes on and on. Also we need to rid the nation of the whole obama administration. He's looking for Reparations, I've said it before and I'll say it again - Every minority or 'victim' group is coming out of the woodwork looking for land or money or reparations of some kind.

Now I think that all families of every WHITE person killed fighting in the Civil War, for the North, should receive reparations from ALL BLACK Americans -hey, they gave their lives to 'free you' didn't they? Why are THEY not entitled to reparations. These dead soldiers got less than the generations of blacks who live on and won't do for themselves. SO SHUT UP ABOUT REPARATIONS YOU ENTITLED COWARDS. I'm really sick of it.

In fact, I am really sick of hearing about WHITE PEOPLE -who ask questions of any aspect of Obama's administration's ideology- being labeled as RACIST by BLACK PEOPLE. JUST because ideology is questioned.

This is AMERICA - the free exchange of ideas is our RIGHT. The Mainstream media is so obviously in the tank for liberal programs that they just ignore and refuse to cover anything that does go along with the Obama agenda. That's lying by ommission.

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