Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What Obama Really wants... hint - it's NOT prosperity for the USA

Some people are so naive. They think Obama is unaware of what he's doing. HA - are they wrong.

Obama's agenda, though not billed during the election as a "Sweeping Change" as now his team is claiming, is one which seeks to push all US citizens into slavery. This is why he is pushing these massive spending plans - we will never be able to afford them. We'll always be in debt - to China and other nations who will own us.

Obama wants to regulate everything - Free speech, where you would live, where you would bank (if you have any money), what you can (or will be able to) buy, the food you would eat, the car you would drive, the temperature of your home, if you would receive health care. And More.

This is no mistake. He is doing exactly what he, ACORN, Saul Alinskey, Bill Ayers, and all of his "Associations" that conservatives and Republicans were scorned for bringing up during the campaign, want him to do. Obama is THEIR Messiah.

Back in the BC/AD times, the Judeans of Jerusalem were awaiting their Messiah, someone to fight off Rome and make Judea mighty and powerful.

This PHONEY messiah OBAMA is going to crush the enemy of the oppressed, take all they have and give it to those oppressed victims.

The only hope is that Obama is found out my the majority of Americans, even those in Congress, and that Obama is impeached as quickly as possible. Obama is Domestic Enemy number 1. He must be removed for the GOOD of all Americans.

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